Kids' Kamp
July 8-12
All kids love a good Nerf battle! Those battles will be the theme for camp this year.
Brandon Speak - pastor at Macon COGH- will help our campers understand what it means to fight spiritual battles and to have victory with God. Brandon will be presenting lessons so campers will know whose team they are on, how to suit up/put on the armor of god, how to be courageous and fearless, how to create a good defense, as well as knowing they won’t have to fight alone.
These messages will be addressed in chapel services, in team activities, as well as small group devotions. Our night adventures, crafts, and other activities will be thematic as well. So grab your friends or teammates and advance towards
The Hill. In addition to activities, meals, and lodging, the $175 all-inclusive registration fee includes a T-shirt, backpack, and a $20 punch card for the snack shop and general store.
Register before June 10th to save $25! We must be prepared and stand at the ready. So let's suit up, draw a battle line, and stand firm in the faith as we await His triumphant return! We hope to see you on The Hill! “But no weapon used against you will succeed.” Isaiah 54:17a (NIrV).